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War Machines

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WAR MACHINES - Mecha, Droids, and Robot Tokens

In the not-so-distant future, mankind will create such engines of death and destruction that even the heavens will tremble at their might. Giant walking War Machines such as Battle Mecha, remote-controlled combat drones, and cunning robots will take over the battlefield as mankind seeks to wage war at arm's length. This package of virtual tabletop tokens brings to the table a range of 3D-rendered battle engines that can be employed to depict Player or Game Master controlled vehicles or the futuristic technological henchmen of super corporations. Like all Studio WyldFurr token sets, each character set contains the “character” in several different action poses.

What is a Virtual Tabletop Token?

Destroyed robot on a map grid squareWhen playing a roleplaying game (such as Starfinder, Cyberpunk, or Shadowrun) online via a virtual tabletop application (such as FoundryVTT, or Roll20) you will often need to use a token to represent your character on the virtual tabletop. These tokens can represent your character or the monsters and NPCs controlled by the Game Master. Most virtual tabletop applications permit the use of imported graphics files (such as GIF, JPG, PNG, and WEBP) as tokens to represent characters, NPCs, and monsters. Thus you can use the PNG image files from this package as virtual tabletop character tokens by importing the image files into the virtual tabletop app of your choice.

  • Token Scale: Tokens from Studio WyldFurr make use of a 3:1 scale which is the same scale we use for our Map Tiles art assets. This scale matches three on-screen pixels to each real-world inch, giving us a map grid square of 180 pixels.
  • Compatibility: The War Machines Pack consists of a collection of image files (.png) that can be imported into almost any virtual tabletop app for use as PC or NPC game tokens. These tokens are for use in apps such as FoundryVTT, Roll20, d20Pro, etc. Check your application's documentation about how to import images for use as tokens.
“Hello there! I created this token pack to give players and Game Masters a range of Mecha and robots for science fiction roleplaying on the virtual tabletop. The pack provides a range of robots from combat droids to loader service bots. The vehicles are large mechanical engines of battle!”
~ Tailz from Studio WyldFurr.

Sample Art: Robots and Human Size Machines

The package is broken up into two parts. The first part contains a collection of human-sized robots and machines. Perfectly suited to depicting human-style droids, alien invasion robots, or even a computer-controlled sentry gun to blast away at alien hordes.

Sample Art: Mecha and large vehicles

Inside the second part of the package, you will find a collection of large vehicle tokens. These tokens depict large mechanical war engines, that can be used as terrain or mobile vehicles for players to pilot or battle against.

Because of the large size of these vehicle tokens, we recommend importing each token only when necessary.

IMPORTANT: This package is not a stand-alone game! It is a collection of image files that can be employed as character tokens inside a virtual tabletop App (such as FoundryVTT, Roll20, D20Pro, etc). Please check your application's documentation about how to use imported images as character tokens.

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Looking for more? Browse Studio WyldFurr's Product Categories

Index | Adventure Maps | Virtual Tabletop Tokens | Adventure Modules | Map Tiles Art Assets | Bundle Deals

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May 29th, 2023
I really am glad to come across this set of robot/mech tokens, it has a lot of variety types and have different camo/colors for different enviroments to add on for your VTT games. My minor gripe is that, some of the dynamic poses are very weird. I hope [...]
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File Last Updated:
July 14, 2022
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde June 21, 2018.