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Races of Qui Sang

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Kung Fu Kuma: Races of Qiu Sang is an expansion book for the Kung Fu Kuma campaign world and the Pathfinder Game System ™. It expands the list of available PC races by 6, and it further includes 1 companion race (for use as friends, allies, loyal servants, and henchman, as well as NPCs). That's 7 new races available for Kung Fu Kuma campaigns, 6 of them directly for use as Player Characters.

One thing about all of these races, they are all Animal Folk. That is a given in the campaign world of Kung Fu Kuma. But if you purchased this book intending it for use in a different campaign world, all of these races are compatible with the general Pathfinder Game System ™, though the Gamemaster will themselves have to come up with some reason why Animal Folk exist in that campaign world.

6 New PC Races

The Empire of Qiu Sang is made up of twelve Clans who joined together in the great Clan Accord. Six of these races (and also Humans) were detailed in the Kung Fu Kuma Players Handbook - specifically, the six races that dwell in the Mang Wan Valley, the valley of Kung Fu.

Individuals of the other six races do live in the Mang Wan Valley, as well, but they are not greatly represented there. These other six Animal Folk races generally prefer to be out in the country proper, closer to politics and power, and closer to wine and wealth. The Mang Wan Valley is a beautiful place, to be sure. But it also an isolated place of meditation and quiet contemplation (and Kung Fu). Those who desire political power tend to want to live closer to the Imperial Capitol.

This divide amongst the twelve races might be best thought of as a divide between the 6 Kung Fu Races and the 6 Imperial Races. While there is no such actual divide recognized by anyone in the Empire, it is a simple, shorthand way of illustrating the difference. Now, this is not to say that no one outside of the Mang Wan Valley practices Kung Fu, nor that the Mang Wan Valley is entirely devoid of politics. Kung Fu is widely practiced everywhere within Qiu Sang, and politics is certainly practiced in the Mang Wan Valley. The above divide is a thing of emphasis, not of absolutes.

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File Last Updated:
May 01, 2016
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde May 01, 2016.
Información de la editorial
Avalon Game Company
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