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Eclipse Phase: Transhuman (first edition)Click to magnify
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Eclipse Phase: Transhuman (first edition)

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Transhuman is the expanded guide to Eclipse Phase for both players and gamemasters, containing:

* Package-based character creation
* Random life path character creation
* Get more out of flexbots, swarmanoids, asyncs, and infomorphs with expanded rules and options
* Make better Firewall agents with advice on investigation, combat tactics, espionage, and infiltration
* Over 30 new morphs, new traits, and new character backgrounds

Transhuman Previews

Package Character Creation


Life Path Character Creation


Character Options


Playing Characters




Want More Transhuman?

Check out the Transhuman Hack Pack for a selection of artwork from the book!

Eclipse Phase Second Edition Compatibility:
This is a title that was released for the First Edition of Eclipse Phase, and contains heavy rules material. We consider it incompatible with Eclipse Phase Second Edition, and the material in it will be replaced by EP2 releases.

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Opiniones (5)
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September 13th, 2013
An incredibly useful add-on for the Eclipse Phase Line this offers options to simplify character creation while adding additional options and expanding the world base. The book itself is well written with gorgeous art and benefits from an involved deve [...]
August 16th, 2013
This book is possibly the most useful one to come out in the line since the initial rulebook. It contains new options for character creation, new backgrounds (including options for AGI and Uplifts that differ from the standard), new factions, new morph [...]
Kyle W. [Crítico destacado]
August 10th, 2013
Eclipse Phase is one of my favorite games, but I'm not beyond admitting that it has its faults, some of them pretty serious. For one thing, although there was a great range of morphs and the game really felt like it vibrantly embraced the question of [...]
August 9th, 2013
If you already like Eclipse Phase, you'll like this. The short fiction is well-written and fascinating, the artwork is stunning and the new lore and rules they bring to the table in this book will almost certainly contain something that interests you, [...]
August 7th, 2013
Another stunning book by Posthuman! If you happen to be one of the many who had misgivings over how involved the PC generation of Eclipse Phase was in the Corebook, Transhuman provides not ONE but TWO fixes! One involves putting together [...]
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23.77 MB
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File Last Updated:
October 03, 2020
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 07, 2013.