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What happens when a Femme Fatale becomes a bitter betrayed, ex-wife to a scum bag mercenary?  The Widow knows!!

This is one woman you never want to cross or get on her bad side.  Widow comes from a long line of Femme Fatales, who know how to take care of business, like when it comes to men.

How to use widow: If the heroes are looking for an assassin they could come across Widow who is either the assassin or tracking down the same killer, working with or against the heroes. She could also seduce one of the heroes to help her complete a mission.


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February 24th, 2013
A updated modern world femme fatale, with a long history of femme fatale family and a spetznas father...this is one very cool character. And high five to you AHC for having your characters and universe all intertwine. [...]
February 23rd, 2013
This chick is KICK-A$$!!!! Between her family, her training, and her husband (that she's after), no one should mess with this Fatal Female. Oh go Lou!!! AHC has knocked it out of the park again. [...]
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February 23, 2013
Cet article a été ajouté à notre menu sur February 23, 2013.