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Shards of the Exalted Dream

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The world of Exalted has been reflected in the minds and stories of players across the world for over a decade. Now the mirror shatters, and White Wolf presents a collection of unique new visions of Exalted, shards of imagination to take your games through alternate realities, twisted histories, new genres, and even to the stars. In addition to re-imaginings of the classic setting, this book also contains a plethora of new rules to support those visions, or for enterprising Storytellers to use to create their own new takes on Exalted. What worlds will you forge from your dreams?

This book includes:

• Four fully-realized alternate settings, including modern, space opera, alternate history, and martial arts takes on Exalted.
• Over 130 new Charms, including material for all Exalt types and full support for Drive and Firearms-based magic.
• New artifacts, vehicles, rules hacks, subsystems, and a complete new system for martial arts-based games, featuring 150 unique Techniques.

Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements there is a small white border around the edge of the pages.

StoryPath Nexus

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April 20th, 2016
I remember reading the forum threads on this book when it first came out, and the excitement ended up nearly at a fever pitch. At the time I didn't really give it that much thought since I had fallen out of love with Exalted, but when my interest in th [...]
September 26th, 2012
Despite my unending love for the writers of this game, I had low expectations for this book. I bought it to support the game line, but I did not anticipate using any of this material for my games. What was I thinking? This book blew my mi [...]
August 2nd, 2012
Going through loops to prove that this book is probably one of the best, if not the best supplement to Exalted 2ed is quite pointless, because the overwheliming excellence of it has already been proved enough by previous reviewers. While it is certainl [...]
July 30th, 2012
We've been waiting for this for a while. Space Opera Exalted? Modern Setting? COOL! Of course, that's just half the scenarios we got, and we were left kind of boggling at the other half. But let's go step-by-step. Gunstar Autochtho [...]
July 27th, 2012
Wonderful product. Invaluable to those looking for ways to expand the scope of Exalted beyond what has been previously made available. The writing is excellent, and the different Shards lend themselves to wildly different interpretations of Exalted. Th [...]
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File Last Updated:
August 24, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 11, 2012.